KPT EHSMS Demonstrates Conformance With Audit Standards – Highlights Bureau Veritas Audit Report
Karachi Port Trust Environment Health Safety Management System (KPT EHSMS) demonstrated overall conformance with the requirements of the audit standards – the Bureau Veritas Report concluded. The reports has concluded that the management system documentation has demonstrated conformity with the requirements of the audit standard and provided sufficient structure to support implementation and maintenance of the management system. The port has demonstrated the establishment and tracking of appropriated key performance objectives and targets and monitored progress towards their achievement. The internal audit programme has been fully implemented in KPT which demonstrates effectiveness as a tool for maintaining and improving the management system further.The audit team conducted a process-based audit focussing on significant aspects/risks and objectives require by the standard(s). Auditing was based on sampling process of available information and audit methods like interviews, observations, sampling of activities and reviewing of documentation and records. The audit team has concluded that KPT has established and maintained its management system in line with the requirements of the standard(s) and demonstrated the ability of the system to achieve requirements for products and/or services within the scope and its policy and objectives.