Karachi Port witnesses a record handling of containers during the month ending May 2015 and it reflects on the favourable policies practiced by Karachi Port Trust under the dynamic leadership of Chairman KPT Vice Admiral Shafqat Jawed. The port has registered handling of 160,649 TEUs (Twenty Equivalent Unit) of cumulative imports and exports containers at its two terminals – the Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT) and Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) during the month of May surpasses the previous handling of 156,254 TEUs that it handled in the month of January 2015.
The breakup shows that KICT handled 45,486 TEUs of import containers and 44,592 TEUs of exports containers during the month ending May whereas the PICT handled 38,213 TEUs of import containers and 30,920 TEUs of export containers respectively from 31 and 36 vessels arrived at the two terminals. Handling of containers more than their existing capacities reflects the efficient handling operations of both the private terminals.
A third terminal is to commence operations soon at the deep water container port also promises to attract domestic, in-transit and transhipment traffic of containers which will further boost up the container handling efficiency of Karachi Port which is surely the premier and main port of Pakistan and provides all kind of facilities that modern trade requires.
The KPT augurs to achieve many more milestones in years to come under the charismatic leadership of Chairman KPT Vice Admiral Shafqat Jawed. The port surely enjoys support of government and its present performance reflects the trust which government has bestowed on it.