Dangerous Goods Handling at Port Course at KPT Staff College

In connection with the scheduled IMO Audit of Pakistani maritime sector, a mandatory single day course is organized by KPT at its Staff College premises, in Lalazar area, Karachi, on 5th March 2020. The course, conducted in two technical sessions, was attended by all the concerned officials of the three ports, terminal operators and Marine Mercantile Department. While chairing the first technical session, the KPT General Manager Operations, Rear Admiral Zaka Ur Rehman, shared his views on dangerous goods handling at ports and appreciated the initiative taken by KPT prior to the commencement of IMO Audit. He appreciated the skills of Maritime Training Institute in conducting the course on short notice at KPT Staff College. International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) codes are reviewed vis-a-vis different dangerous goods classifications. Layout of IMDG Code as well as updates and amendment cycles of the code also came under discussion during the training programme whose purpose was to provide basic overview of IMDG Codes prior to IMO Audit and concluded with end remarks of IMO representative in Pakistan, Captain Ajmal Mehmoodi, during the august occasion.