Anti Encroachment Drive Jan 2020 to Mar 2020
Anti Encroachment Department took action against land grabbers in Sikandarabad, KFHA, Plot No.1-B and 1-E at Mauripur Road, Hijrat Colony and Machar Colony. The details are as follows.
a. Two combined anti encroachment drives were conducted at Sikandarabad area on 3rd January 2020. KPT Team along with Sindh Police were part of the operation which has witnessed resistance from 50-70 illegal residents gathered during the occasion. Still, KPT Encroachment Team was able to demolish 90% illegal construction which also includes 7 concrete pillars.
b. On 6th March 2020, another Anti Encroachment drive took place to demolish walls of the illegal constructions in Sikandarabad area – includes illegal cabin and hotels at KFHA and illegally constructed bakery at Plot No.1, Mauripur Road.
c. On 26th February 2020, a combined operation was conducted under supervision of Syed Zahir Hussain, Dy. AE Manager, to vacate KPT land from land grabbers and successfully removed crushes and stones from the area and removed 60-70 Chhapra Houses and 10 illegally constructed foundations also removed during the drive.